Just a few seats left: NDL digital leader roadtrip 2024
News about our NDL roadtrip 2024, program and tickets
What is the best way to protect my crops from disease? When is the best time to implement measures in my field? And in which field zones do I achieve the highest yields? These are just some of the questions that farmers deal with in their daily work – and which until recently could only be answered after extensive observation and analysis. But that has changed: Because digital applications like those from xarvio help farmers work more efficiently and sustainably.
Drones, satellites, sensors and algorithms are the new smart helpers for farmers. They collect and process data, which then converges in smart applications.
In these, farmers can view the current development status of individual field zones at any time and on the move, plan sowing and field preparations, and compare the results of different field management strategies. In addition, the smart applications such as xarvio Field Manager provide up-to-date information on when the next best time is to apply operating resources.
Incorporating field-specific and hourly weather forecasts, this helps farmers maximize the efficiency of their crop production. In the interests of sustainable agriculture, digital solutions can help to significantly reduce the amount of crop protection products needed today and in the future. This is because they not only recommend the timing of necessary measures, but also determine their scope. This means that only the amount needed is applied to the respective field zones.
Even though digital solutions support farmers in their decision-making, their expert knowledge remains an indispensable factor. That’s why xarvio works closely with its users to benefit from their experience and incorporate it into the further development of its products. What’s more, algorithms that calculate what users ultimately receive as information in their app learn independently. This means that the more farmers use a digital application in their work, the more accurate the results will be.
This is especially noticeable with image recognition tools. With Scouting, xarvio has developed a practical companion for daily field inspections. The app identifies weeds via image recognition, counts specific insects in the yellow pan, detects diseases, analyzes leaf damage and determines the nitrogen content of plants. The app compares the images shot with a database, which in turn grows with each image upload, and sends the user a result after a few seconds. This gives farmers a reliable decision-making aid and provides them with all the important information about the current condition of their plants.
The fact that apps like Scouting provide useful support for farmers’ work was recently confirmed by the renowned U.S. trade magazine “Croplife,” which rated Scouting as one of the 15 best agricultural apps for 2019.
Digitalization is changing agriculture. xarvio is a pioneer in the field of “digital farming” and develops intelligent solutions that enable farmers to operate crop production on their fields more efficiently and sustainably. xarvio has been a BASF brand since 2018 and is currently represented on the market with two products: xarvio FIELD MANAGER and xarvio SCOUTING. SCOUTING is available in more than 100 countries and 30 languages, FIELD MANAGER in 13 countries and languages. At the same time xarvio is continuously working on further products.
Just a few seats left: NDL digital leader roadtrip 2024
News about our NDL roadtrip 2024, program and tickets
Save your seat: NDL Meet Up & new digital Pitches coming up in Q4|2023
NDL Meet Up Conference 29’/30′ Nov. | Online Pitches with Agolin & Arla in Oct. & Dec.
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